Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My Acheviements
At my school I've been involved in:
Coca cola Netball, Japan Netball, Zone Netball, Inter Zone Netball, Writing Workshop, Guitar, Pen license, J Rock, 3 merit mentions, Science Fair, Talent Quest, School athletics: Long Jump, High jump and Shot put. But the list will grow next year.
Coca cola Netball, Japan Netball, Zone Netball, Inter Zone Netball, Writing Workshop, Guitar, Pen license, J Rock, 3 merit mentions, Science Fair, Talent Quest, School athletics: Long Jump, High jump and Shot put. But the list will grow next year.
Maui's Dolphin Email

Dear Green Peace,
Our class has been studying the Maui’s Dolphins and we have found that they are critically endangoured and I would like to find out what else I can do to help stop them from becoming extinct. I live in proximity to Sunset beach, Port Waikato (where the Maui’s Dolphin live). I already have some suggestions to help, we should put up signs around Sunset beach to stop fishermen setting there nylon nets because Maui’s Dolphins get attracted to them and get stuck, they can swim backwards to get out of them.
250 dolphins ( not just Maui’s Dolphins) die a year because of this fishing. And there are only aproxamitly 111 Maui’s Dolphins left. Maui’s Dolphins only have 2 babies in their lifetime. So the population will only increase slightly In New Zealand there are more Kiwis and Turatara than Maui’s Dolphins. The population may improve but we have to change how we fish. Please help me make a difference. These animals need to protected. We also need to put signs up to stop the littering of plastic bags in location to the Maui’s Dolphins habitats. When they get in our oceans the dolphins and other wildlife could eat the plastic bags and the chemicals in the bag will make them sick.
At our school we are going to create a mural to educating the public about Maui’s Dolphins and how we need to protect them, so that’s a start. Victoria, from WWF came and discussed how we can make a difference. She told us that adopting a dolphin is one of the main ways to help, which our class is going to do next year. I would really appreciate it if you would write back.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Maui's Dolphins
In class for learning pathways we have been learning about the Maui's dolphins, we even had a representative from W.W.F come into our classroom to talk to us about them. The Maui's Dolphins are a sub-spices of the Hector's Dolphins. Maui's Dolphins use echolocation to find their food. Maui's only have two babies in their lifetime and there are only 111 left. Two hundred fifty dolphins die a year because of nylon fishing nets. I believe should put a stop this type of fishing. In New Zealand there are more Kiwis and Turataras than Maui's Dolphins. Check out my Keynote.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Digital Class room

Room 23 is a unique classroom to the all the other classrooms in the school. In our classroom we have 16 apple eMac computers we use our computers for a variety of things.
Working in an I.C.T room feels normal as we have been in the class for the whole year now and we're even lucky enough to be this this classroom next year. We buddy up when we work on the computers but some people don't have to.
Everyone in the class has learnt so much and really appreciates everything our teacher has taught us.
Some of the programs we have learnt are microsft word,
microsoft power point, pages, apple works and keynote.
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