This year we have started to paint our Maui's Dolphins Mural. Tegan Shannon and I made this Keynote for our full school assembly.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hard Materials
Every Day 3 during P1 and 2, half of room 23 go to hard materials. Our room is really lucky to go to hard materials because only two year seven classes get the opportunity to go. These classes are room 23 and room 33. Mr Sibley is our awesome hard materials teacher. He has taught us all of the safety rules and much more. So far into the term we have made a wooden animal or something that has wheels. The skills we learnt while making them were how to use a saw, drill holes and scroll sawing.
Everyone was successful with making this project. Our next project that we have almost finished is to make a wooden box. The skills we have learnt so far is how to hammer nails, gluing and we also are using skills that we already know. Everyone who goes to hard materials is having fun and really enjoying it. We can’t wait till next year so we can go there again.
Week 1, Term 2 Pukekohe Intermediate School held a school wide Tapuae competition. Dominique Hancock, Sports Co-ordinater from Room 45 was the organizer for this competition.
The teams were entered as buddy classes for the competition, and a maximum of 16 team players were able to take the court at once. Lupe Soapi of Room 23, and Abi Chapman of Room 36 were our team captains.
Students from the 2 teams played a number of games against a lot of challenging classes, playing a total of 3 games, making it into the quarter finals! In this game we went up against Room 13 & 45 and successfully came out with victory, which then took us into the Semi-finals.
Our first semi-final game was on Tuesday 16th on June and versed the same 2 classes. We had a really tough game and the weather was really rough, but even though we had to put up with that, Room 23 & 36 still came out with a win.
Wednesday 17th of June we played against Room 28 & 45. It was a very tough competition. But we pulled through with a win.
Then on Wednesday 25th June, Room 23 went head to head against Room 3 for the finals. It was a unpredictable game but Room 23 took out the game, and the whole competiton. Room 23 did not lose any game in this whole competition!
Room 23 Aim High
Monday, June 22, 2009

The Use Of Mobile Phones While Driving Should Be illegal
The use of mobile phones while driving is seriously dangerous; it affects your ability to focus on the road ahead. Driving while using your mobile phone has taken lives and has injured many people.
Driving while talking on the phone increases the risk of being in a crash by 400%. It is the same as driving at the legal limit for blood alcohol. In 1996 the number of crashes in New Zealand was only eight. During recent years driving while using a mobile phone has taken six lives and injured 411 people.
The New Zealand government is drafting a proposal to ban cell phones while driving. If caught using your phone while driving you maybe fined $50 and receive twenty-five demerit points.
Vodafone and Telecom are backing this proposal. A survey conducted by the AA shows that 76% of people want the use cell phones while driving banned.
Your reaction time and concentration levels decrease when you use mobile phones while driving. It will take you longer to brake, you are more likely to tail gate the vehicle in front and you are nine times more likely to be in a fatality when you crash.
If you use your mobile phone while driving, you are not only putting yourself in danger, but other people on the road as well.
So is that call worth dying for?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Aims Netball
Aims is a sports tournament that is held in Tauranga. At the moment at the Pukekohe Intermediate Turf there are Aims netball trials. Over 20 girls are waiting their turn to get on the court. There are over 3 people trialing for each position. Every girl wants to get in to the team but Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Guies can only choose 12 girls. The other girls that don't will get in to the year 8 B zone team. So really no one will miss out on playing.
Aims Girls Play Hard!!
Hamilton netball

On Sunday 24th May, a netball team of 10 girls, Danelle Cox (Captain) Jazmin Fulton, Kelly Drew, Tegan Hunter, Danielle McNabb, Shannon van den Berg, Havannah Pearson, Jorgia Watson, Billie Paterson and Bailee Graham, travelled to Minogue Park Netball Courts in Hamilton. They competed in 5 games throughout the whole day. It was sunny for the first 2 games but then it started to rain and it was freezing cold. Pukekohe Platinum did extremeley well placing second in the tournament by only one goal! We had injuries from numb fingers to grazed knees, but we all had an awesome day and it was great fun!
The results:
Pukekohe vs St Andrews 21-10 Win
Pukekohe vs Peach Grove 13-12 Loss
Pukekohe vs TAI Soldiers 13-13 Draw
Pukekohe vs Maeroa 18-3 Win
Pukekohe vs Berkeley 13-9 Win
Speech Assessment
Mathletics & Spellodrome

For Maths we sometimes go on a website call mathletics. On mathletics we go on live maths where we play children from other schools and even other counties.We also do tests on all maths subjects.
We also go on spellodrome which helps us spell words well we are timed. This also allows us to play people from other countries.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Matariki Report

Matariki is a celebration of the Maori New Year. It’s a time to come together and celebrate the unique place where we live, New Zealand. Matariki is also a cluster of seven. Matariki is sometimes called The Seven Sisters or Pleiades. In Japan they call them Subaru and the world rally car is named after Matariki.
The Celebration
In New Zealand there are all sorts of celebrations around Matariki. Traditional Maori would put up a look out post to watch the rise of Matariki. All Matariki Celebrations are a time to share ideas and learn from each other. All these celebrations will start when the new moon is seen.
World Wide
All over the world Matariki is celebrated all different ways. In Greece there are several different temples facing Pleiades (Matariki). In Japan they call Matariki Subaru. One of the bigger celebrations is in Polynesia. In Polynesia they celebrate Matariki with kites. All Matariki kites have 6 tails. When Matariki had been risen they would know it was time to gather sea food.
The Effect
As the year moves from autumn to winter the sunrise moves north. When the sunrise meets Matariki, it starts moving south again. This effect can be seen all over the world.
Nga Mahi a Te Rehia
For the whole term Pukekohe Intermediate will have fun and educational activities. Here are some:
Week 2 – 10 Matariki enrichment activities eg. Nga Raku Legends.
Week 9 A kapa Haka performance
Week 10 Ki-o-Rahi tournament (school wide house competition )
Titiorea/ waiata / hangi / poi / moko – tattooing / taniko patterns
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